Terms and Conditions of Use, Notice of Privacy Practices, and Disclaimer of Liability


(a) For purposes of this title, “corbin-dodge.com” includes:

(i) corbin-dodge.com,
(ii) the registered owner of corbin-dodge.com,
(iii) website developers,
(iv) content contributors,
(v) persons who have provided independent advice to corbin-dodge.com, and
(ix) all other persons associated with corbin-dodge.com who have materially contributed to its operation, management, or development in such a way that they should be fairly entitled to the benefits and protections described herein.

(b) For purposes of this title, “Visitors” includes:

(i) Website viewers and other internet users who encounter material that pertains to, duplicates, or otherwise contains relevant material about corbin-dodge.com or its operation(s),
(ii) all former, present, or prospective contributors and/or visitors to corbin-dodge.com,
(iii) website administrators, contributors, users, content writers, and/or developers, and
(iv) all other persons who should fairly be included, or subject to, the limitations, benefits, and/or protections described herein.

(c) For purposes of this title, “third party videos” includes:

(i) Any video that has been uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar online service, or
(ii) Any video linked from a video uploaded to YouTube, Vimeo, or a similar online service

that has been embedded or is otherwise referenced on this website.


1. Copyright Notice

The contents, text, photographs, graphics, HTML Code, and all other data contained on corbin-dodge.com are protected by copyright and intellectual property law as property of corbin-dodge.com and its registered owner unless otherwise expressly declared herein.

All copy, text, and images on corbin-dodge.com are protected under copyright law by the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(3).

2. Terms and Conditions of Use of Site Content

(a) Descriptions of restrictions generally

No person, business, or other entity may copy or redistribute any text, image, photography, graphics, code, or other residual information contained within corbin-dodge.com without express written permission. Text, images, photographs, graphics, code, or other residual content cannot be copied, printed, posted or otherwise utilized for public or private display without express written permission.

(b) Limited to use for commercial, noncommercial, educational, or personal purposes.

corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on the websites to which it links. Third party links contained on corbin-dodge.com are not intended to constitute an endorsement of the opinions or advice contained within the websites to which it links.

corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for copyright infringement arising from third-party YouTube videos that are embedded on the site. Requests to remove YouTube videos embedded on corbin-dodge.com must be sent to the website owner of corbin-dodge.com by electronic communication to design@corbin-dodge.com.

(c) If copying and using material:

Permission to copy, distribute, print, or quote text or images from corbin-dodge.com may be sent by electronic communication to the website owner at design@corbin-dodge.com.

(i) Requirement of showing owner’s copyright notice

Upon express written permission provided by corbin-dodge.com, permission to copy, distribute, print, or otherwise use text or images from this website is acceptable upon the conditions contained in Chapter 2, section (c), subsection (ii).

(ii) Proper citation or crediting of material to owner, designer, or other creators of site content

Upon express written permission provided by corbin-dodge.com, permission to copy, distribute, print, or otherwise use text or images from this website is acceptable upon the conditions that:

(A) the material explicitly includes a reference and/or link to corbin-dodge.com, and
(B) a link to corbin-dodge.com if the material is published on the internet.

(d) Commercial use of website material on corbin-dodge.com is otherwise strictly prohibited

(e) Notice of copyright infringement by corbin-dodge.com upon another individual, business, organization, or other entity

(i) Description of notice requirement, generally
corbin-dodge.com does not intend to infringe, intrude, damage, or otherwise intrude upon the copyright of another individual, business, organization, or other entity. In the event that corbin-dodge.com infringes upon information protected by copyright or intellectual property law, notice of the infringement(s) must be provided to corbin-dodge.com pursuant to the conditions in Chapter 2, section (e), subsection (ii).

(ii) Proper disclosure of notice for copyright infringement
Notifications of infringement that arise from the material posted on corbin-dodge.com must be sent to the website owner by electronic communication to design@corbin-dodge.com. corbin-dodge.com shall be provided a reasonable amount of time to respond to the allegation and/or remove the material if it has infringed upon protected material. If corbin-dodge.com fails to respond to a written request for material to be altered or removed, the requestor must make a good faith effort to notify corbin-dodge.com.

3. Disclaimer of Liability

(a) No expressed or implied warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, merchantability, fitness or appropriateness for a particular use, and /or non-infringement of site content.

The information provided by corbin-dodge.com is not constituted to provide professional advice.

(b) Disclaimer of responsibility for errors or omission for site content

The information provided by corbin-dodge.com is not guaranteed to be free from error or omissions for site content. Visitors assume any and all risk for information that is relayed to them.

(c) Disclaimer of liability for damages associated with visitor reliance on website content.

The information provided on corbin-dodge.com is intended for educational purposes only. Visitors accept responsibility for any and all risk used in reliance on information that is relayed to them by corbin-dodge.com.

Visitors accept responsibility for any and all injury incurred either personally or to a third party that arises from reliance on information relayed to them by corbin-dodge.com.

corbin-dodge.com and its owner are not liable for injury, damages, or emotional distress that arise from reading or viewing the content, text, images, or links on corbin-dodge.com.

The information contained on corbin-dodge.com is not written, provided, or reviewed by a licensed attorney. Individuals seeking legal counseling or advice are advised to seek independent legal counsel from a licensed attorney.

The information contained on corbin-dodge.com does not seek to influence the decisions of any individual that visits this website. Visitors to corbin-dodge.com should not depend on the information contained in this website to make any business, healthcare, legal, or personal decisions. corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for damages, injury to reputation, injury to personal privacy, emotional distress, court costs, attorney fees, or other alleged injury that arises from the actions or choices that a viewer of corbin-dodge.com makes after viewing the content of this website.

(d) Disclaimer of responsibility for any damages, including but not limited to viruses that may infect user’s computer equipment or other property because of use of site and/or downloading any materials from the site.

By visiting corbin-dodge.com, visitors impliedly accept that the nature and use of the internet carries with it a potential and ongoing threat of hackers, phishers, spammers, viruses, and other potentially harmful threats. corbin-dodge.com seeks to ensure that the website content, images, and data files are free from viruses, malware, or malicious spyware, but makes no guarantee that the website will be free from these threats. corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for any damages, included but not limited to viruses that may infect a user’s or third party computer equipment or other property because of use of site and/or downloading any materials from the site.

(e) Disclaimer of liability for any material on other sites that are linked to or from the owner’s site

corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on the websites to which it links. Third party links contained on corbin-dodge.com are not intended to constitute an endorsement of the opinions or advice contained within the websites to which it links.

(e) Disclaimer of liability for any material from third party videos that are embedded within or from the owner’s site

corbin-dodge.com is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on third party videos contained on or from this website. Third party videos embedded on corbin-dodge.com are not intended to constitute an endorsement of the opinions or advice contained within the third party videos, or materials to which those video link.

5. Revocation of access authorization

(a) Where applicable, owner reserves the right to revoke any or all access or use of the site by a site administrator, contributor, or visitor

(b) Causes for revocation of access authorization


6. Release for user input

(a) Identification of relevant information or material that may be submitted to site by user

(b) Use of input by owner for any purpose without compensation or notice to user, except as detailed in user privacy policies


7. User privacy

For purposes of this section, “personal information” includes names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, interests and other contact or personal details that visitors or clients may disclose either intentionally or unintentionally to corbin-dodge.com.

For purposes of this section, “project information” includes names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, interests, budget,  design preferences, and other contact or details pertaining to a business, service, organization, charity, or personal services that visitors or clients may disclose either intentionally or unintentionally to corbin-dodge.com.

For purposes of this section, “respond” includes e-mail, written, telephone, or oral correspondence between Corbin Dodge, visitors to corbin-dodge.com, and third parties that participate either directly or indirectly in any e-mail, written, social media, or telephone correspondence with Corbin Dodge.

For purposes of this section, “relayed” includes e-mail, written, telephone, or oral correspondence between Corbin Dodge, visitors to corbin-dodge.com, and third parties that participate either directly or indirectly in any e-mail, written, social media, or telephone correspondence with Corbin Dodge.

(a) Type of information collected on site

Personal information that is acquired by corbin-dodge.com is kept strictly confidential. corbin-dodge.com will never intentionally rent, sell, share or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties without written or oral permission.

(b) How and by whom that information will be distributed or used

Personal information and project information disclosed to corbin-dodge.com may be used by the website owner:

(i) to respond to a request for a quote to hire an independent web designer,
(ii) to respond to a request for a quote to hire an independent photographer,
(iii) to respond to a request for a quote to hire a graphic designer,
(iv) to respond to a request for a quote to receive advice,
(v) to respond to other job opportunities that a visitor offers,
(vi) to respond to personal, non-business messages,
(vii) to respond to social media inquiries or requests,
(viii) to respond to any other communication or requests not described in section 7, paragraph b, lines (i)-(viii),

that are sent or otherwise relayed to Corbin Dodge through web contact forms on corbin-dodge.com, e-mail, telephone communication, social media or other written or spoken communication.

(c) Scope of Communication or Correspondence

Personal information or project information that is relayed to, or responded to corbin-dodge.com or Corbin Dodge may be used for the purposes described in section 7, paragraph b for any initial or subsequent responses or disclosures between Corbin Dodge, visitors, or third parties.

(d) Intended uses of the information

(e) Specific provisions regarding information about or from children; parental notice and release. See Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (15 U.S.C.A. § 6501 to 6506).