Corbin Dodge, JD

Delivering Visions

website designer harnesses modern creative design principles to make websites visually appeal to visitors. They are the artists of the website. The next step— turning that vision into a functional and user-friendly website.

website developer adapts the graphic elements the designer prepared, often by collaborating with graphic designers on the creative team. They  build the features and functions into the website. Their versatile expertise spans knowledge of numerous scripts and codes to create the elements and pages that visitors interact with.

Content that Inspires

The rise of content management systems (CMS) allows users across a variety of skill levels who otherwise would be unable to sustain their own website without hiring a skilled designer and developer. Today, CMS systems connect lay users with expertly handcrafted tools that allow anyone to update a website. Novice users can easily post text and pictures online.

content strategist is an expert at phrasing content in a way that speaks to the target customer or user. Their expertise is strategic, tactical and is key to ensuring deliverables that create conversions (a.k.a., ensuring business goals are met, such as boosting alumni engagement, helping patients find the care they need, or insighting visitors to make apurchase).

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Oftentimes web designers focus too much on design and not enough on optimization. SEO is a web marketing technique that allows search engines, like Google, to discover your website. It can increase you sales, raise awareness about your cause, or provide information about your services.

I understand how search engines find and rank websites. Every website can benefit from making tweaks to the site engineering and content in order to increase their web visibility. Whether you’re searching to create a new website, or simply want to increase your visitor numbers, my broad background in web marketing will give your business an edge in advancing among the search engine results.

Automating Processes

Apps are cool tools. Today we are able to connect your website visitors to online retailers so that you receive a profit on the purchases they make. We can display live feeds of social media activity related to your business or organization, keeping visitors engaged, no matter what their preferred platform is. Apps can also allow your website visitors to login and comment on your blog posts using their Facebook or Twitter login, while simultaneously boosting your social media efforts. These are integral tools for promoting businesses.

Engaging Social Media

Promoting a business online requires dedication and strategy. Static content is no longer sufficient to guarantee that your website will appear at the top of search results. Web marketing strategists harness a robust system of online platforms to maximize visitor engagement.

No matter what industry or market you need to target, my experience with integrating social media into online marketing campaigns will open new horizons for your business or organization.

As an efficiency enthusiast, I’ve found that one of the best ways to increase your web visibility is to make sure that your website and social media accounts synchronize together, saving time, energy, and effort.